Looking For ACLS Certification

ACLS Recertification & Renewal

Health Care professionals attending a patient - get your ACLS recertification online

ACLS Recertification & Renewal Class

Receiving your Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) recertification couldn’t be easier than it is with ACLS.com. Since we believe that ACLS renewal should be simple and easy to do on your part, you’ll gain new knowledge, and you can get certified at a time that works for you. Our primary objectives are making things convenient for you through our online ACLS recertification class, as well as providing you with a valuable learning experience. By signing up for your ACLS recertification class with us, you’ll gain knowledge and accurate information about current practices while doing the ACLS courses online. This means you can work at a time that’s best for you. With ACLS.com, you’ll have access to the best resources to successfully complete your ACLS recertification. This includes a variety of valuable materials like articles, videos and practice tests. Get your ACLS renewal online today with our nationally accredited, 100% online, and up-to-date recertification program.

When you take the ACLS recertification class through us, you can look forward to a streamlined class that you can do at a pace that works for you. The ACLS.com recertification class is accredited, and the resources are current to today’s industry practices. It’s all about what’s convenient for you. You can get through the ACLS recertification at a faster pace, or you can slow things down if that’s what’s best for your schedule. Either way, you’ll get the best, most helpful study materials. You’ll be ready for your ACLS recertification course!

We are committed to providing you with the educational materials you need and staying current on the necessary information for successful recertification. Our ACLS recertification class is done completely online, which means that you can go at your own pace and take practice tests whenever you want. We understand that people study and learn differently from one another, which is why our program is designed for all individuals, no matter how you approach learning. Our software is compatible with mobile devices as well, so you have access to your ACLS recertification class whenever you want to login.

This ACLS recertification course is nationally accredited and offers 4 CEU credits through organizations including the AANA, ACCME, ACPE, ADA, and ANCC.

Course Description

The ACLS recertification course covers the following:


  • BLS Primary Survey and ACLS Secondary Survey with critical actions
  • The important elements of effective resuscitation team dynamics
  • Clinical situations in which the following airway adjuncts may be used for airway management: oropharyngeal airway (OPA), nasopharyngeal airway (APC), bag-mask ventilation, and advanced airway
  • Recognizing VF and VT on the ECG
  • Indications, contraindications, doses, and routes of administration for drugs recommended for refractory VF/Pulseless VT
  • ACLS initial assessment and management recommendations in the ACLS algorithms
  • 8 Ds of stroke care including why timely action is crucial
  • Major signs and symptoms of stroke

Frequently Asked Questions

Why We’re Better

ACLS Certification Institute is trusted by more than 100,000 healthcare professionals to provide quality training and certification programs.


Trusted by Over 100,000 Providers

Our ACLS recertification course is built using the latest emergency cardiovascular care (ECC) guidelines and standards published by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and meet all Joint Commission requirements. A skills checkoff is also available if needed.


24/7 Online Access

With 24/7 access to course materials and unlimited practice tests, you can complete your ACLS recertification where and when you want online. We also eliminate the stress of remembering to recertify by providing you with email and text reminders to ensure you don’t miss a deadline.


Nationally Accredited

Our ACLS recertification course is accredited by the ADA, AMA, and ANCC in joint providership with the Postgraduate Institute for Medicine (PIM). These accreditations allow you to earn up to two hours of CEU/CME credit.

Trusted by Over 100,000 Providers

Our ACLS recertification course is built using the latest emergency cardiovascular care (ECC) guidelines and standards published by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) and meet all Joint Commission requirements. A skills checkoff is also available if needed.

24/7 Online Access

With 24/7 access to course materials and unlimited practice tests, you can complete your ACLS recertification where and when you want online. We also eliminate the stress of remembering to recertify by providing you with email and text reminders to ensure you don’t miss a deadline.

Nationally Accredited

Our ACLS recertification course is accredited by the ADA, AMA, and ANCC in joint providership with the Postgraduate Institute for Medicine (PIM). These accreditations allow you to earn up to two hours of CEU/CME credit.

ACLS Recertification
